Author: Tags: Length: Epic

Free on 20th - 21st Nov 13
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In the spring of 2007, two best friends inadvertently start a popular rock band while driving a stolen delivery truck across the western United States.

Blake Caldaro, a rum-obsessed 22-year-old, finds himself sobering up on the northbound highway out of Puerto Vallarta with more bottles than he could ever drink and the keys to another man’s truck. Joining him for the ride is his carefree and ever-sarcastic friend, Booker. Despite narrowly escaping the country intact, the pair quickly grow restless and decide to take the truck back on the road. Anything – even the risk of getting caught – is better than their dead-end lives in L.A.

In a Denver bar, they become friends with a loner passing through town. The trio jokingly begin to pose as a touring band, happily enjoying the perks of fake stardom as they repeat the hoax each night in a different city and venue. Their band quickly gains popularity on a brand new social media forum – Twitter – and they soon face the unexpected challenges of their increasing fame.

This roving narrative explores the live-for-today mentality of the young and aimless while embracing the binds of friendship and adulthood. A Rum Truck is both deadpan and insightful, and it is the quirky and unapologetic narrator who ultimately steals the spotlight.

In this standout debut, Avitabile’s voice is sharp, funny, and undeniable. Introducing himself to the world through this rum-soaked tale of irresponsibility, he offers a witty, honest depiction of the spoils of Internet fame, a love of live music, and a view into a life spent wandering.

Free on 20th - 21st Nov 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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