Losing someone you love is heart-wrenching. Especially the loss of a child. You are filled with grief, and sorrow beyond measure. Wondering if you’ll ever be able to cope with life in this grief stage process. I was in a state of shock and grief for a long time. Everyday there was a new battle to be faced full of discouragement, learning how to deal with depression in my search for finding hope, and healing scriptures without our son around. My life, and the lives of my family would never be the same. Grief stricken, full of pain, and sorrow is what filled our lives. How does one cope with the loss of a loved one? I have decided to share the situations I faced through this book as there was a false accusation against me. It is my hope that through these pages you will find encouragement and comfort. I pray that this book will help you find peace in some way. Keep pressing forward. Keep your faith in God, for He is more than able to do all things. You will have healing by gods grace. He can, and will turn your ashes, into beauty again. Vindication!
Free on 31st Aug 15 - 3rd Sep 15
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