A Skeptic’s Journey through the Yoga Experience takes a hard and personal look by one who once held deep skepticism about yoga at the history, the myths, the controversies, the practice, the philosophy, the growth, commercialism of, and impact of yoga. The book examines the racial and gender conceptions and controversies that confront yoga, as well as the controversy and debate over the physical hazards of yoga to men especially.
A Skeptic’s Journey Through the Yoga Experience is a small primer that aims to give a skeptic’s impressions of some of the hot button issues and controversies in the yoga world-gender, race.physical hazards, men, and women, commercialism, and the future. It in no way pretends to be a comprehensive and definitive study of yoga. The author intersperses throughout the book the three years of notes in his journal that gives his reflections, insights, feelings, and thoughts about the various poses, movements, and mental and physical changes and benefits of yoga.
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