A Spiritual War contains revelations of long hidden mysteries from the Bible you’re unlikely to find anywhere else. It was not the result of my own opinions, but arose after a calling from God, followed by the ongoing powerful guidance of the Holy Spirit, which continued for more than a decade. There is a fascinating exposition on the Pharaoh Akhenaten from a scriptural perspective. And what really caused Jesus to die on the cross? Scripture tells us that he simply gave up the ghost, but doesn’t explain why. Would you like to know the truth? Among the other wonders revealed, is a deeper insight into the vision of the apostle Paul. The secret behind the tribe of Benjamin is also covered, along with prophecies about God’s final mockery of the world, and of the world after his return.
Famous Bible Verses: 365 Days to More Happiness, Love, Faith & Spirituality
Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
THE DEPTH OF HIS LOVE: Exploring the heartbeat of God towards the saved and the unsaved
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