
Free on 8th - 12th Jan 25
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A very new theory of what Consciousness is, and of how it Works. Some important subjects not in any particular order include: How Consciousness works.
What consciousness does while it is working. Your “Conscious Visual Image” is a very big, very bright, accurately three dimensional real image, which seems to be the Whole World existing for miles and miles around you.
A Spirit gets millions of bits of information all the time from being attached to a brain.
It is a living creature which is naturally invisible, a real form of life which you don’t see. A Spirit lives in a symbiotic relationship with a brain, as two different forms of life attached to each other.

How a Spirit becomes Attached to a Brain. How a Brain controls a Spirit, and how the Spirit controls the Brain, a continual two way control. An experiment with embryos inside eggs could give a Spirit Eternity, and allow a human being to see bright light and see the world through the eyes of an animal which could be a mammal or a bird. And it could give the blind perfect eyesight as they look through the eyes of a small bird such as a parrot or a crow. Many other experiments could explore scientifically the details of how a Spirit and a brain really work together.

Free on 8th - 12th Jan 25
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