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Focus, concentration and attention are 3 powerful ingredients used to create a life of fulfillment, happiness and success.

These 3 ingredients make the fuel that will launch you directly towards your goals.

The ability to control your mind, and focus your attention towards a specific task is one of the most important, and powerful skills a person can have.

It is estimated that the average person has nearly 50,000 thoughts a day.
That translates into nearly 2,083 thoughts per hour, or about 35 thoughts a minute, or about 1 thought every 2 seconds!

It is also estimated that
85% to 95% of those thoughts are just nonsense or recurring thoughts.

This means that our brain is wasting 90% of its time and energy processing these useless thoughts.

How can we change this?

This is where the phenomenal powers of focus, concentration and attention come in

With focus and concentration, you don’t have to add any more power or make your brain work faster or longer. The secret is that you need to use a better way to manage the power and energy that is already there. You need to take control over how your brain is processing and show it a new, more efficient, way to do things.

Imagine each of your thoughts as being their own ray of sunlight. Most of us know that if we focus multiple rays of sunlight to a single point, by using a magnifying glass or lens, we can generate an extraordinary amount of energy.

The same holds true with your thoughts. If you can direct multiple thoughts towards a single task, there will be a substantial increase in the quality of the work you produce. At the same time, there will be a substantial decrease in the amount of time it takes you to produce it.

This book is full of ways to help you master your ability to focus on command.

You will also learn about:

Multitasking, why it is bad and how to stop doing itHow to move past procrastinationMethods and techniques to deal with distractions and interruptionsDeveloping a suitable environment for better focusIncreasing your attention spanMeditation and how it can helpHow to develop focus and concentration habitsMental exercises to improve focus and concentrationFocus and concentration techniquesPlus much more…

As your focusing strength and skills increase, the changes in your life will be profound.

You will begin to experience things like:

An increase in your learning speedA clearer mind without all of the brain fogAn increase in your productivity levelNot feeling so stressed and overwhelmedHaving to do less work with more rewardsFinding it easier to comprehend new ideasA Boost in your memory skills

Don’t keep procrastinating and making excuses.

Don’t put it on your ‘ToDo’ list
…and keep moving it down because something else comes up.

You deserve the better life that focus, concentration and attention can bring

If you do not purchase this book, make sure purchase a different book on the same topic.
Then study it, learn the concepts, and most of all, put them into practice.

It really will change your life for the better.

tags:(how to concentrate on studies, how to improve memory, how to improve concentration, stay focused, focused, focusing, memory, attention, concentration, concentrate, regain focus and concentration, increase attention span, increase attention, increase concentration, mental, focus span, regain focus, how to focus, regain focus at work, regaining focus, regaining mental focus

Free on 16th - 20th Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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