ADAM’S BIG HORSES PULL A SLEIGH is a beginner reader that showcases the beautiful Armstrong countryside with Horse Drawn Okanagan’s Clydesdale horses. This non-fiction story features vivid photos, short sentences and charming graphics. This is a picture book to treasure for many years to come and an ideal holiday stocking stuffer for children ages 4-7.
“It is an ideal addition to any child’s library. ” Readers’ Favorite, 5 stars
Free on 12th - 16th Mar 24

"Board book format would be far better for this otherwise excellent book for children learning to read."
Reviewer: DireCritical for Bookangel.
I picked this up because I love horses. It had a beautiful cover, with two heavy horses on the cover. As a children's book about horses, I hoped for more photographs inside and it did not disappoint.
This book has the same formatting issues as many other boardbooks turned ebook: the pages go to the size of the screen and cannot be resized or enlarged. This left me unable to read the text on the first two pages, including the ISBN. I am using a desktop computer, so I do not have a small screen.
Fortunately the text for the actual book gets round this. The book is laid out with a photograph and then on the page following, its accompanying text with a cartoon image that matches the vocabulary guide at the back. On a two-page layout, this puts the picture and page on the same spread, which is ideal.
Each piece of text is only three or four words, with highlighted words for emphasis and teaching ('Big' is enlarged on each page.). Page 7 and Page 17 are identical, which I would have put down to book-ending the story with the same caption, except that Page 7 isn't the start of the story.
The story is followed by details about the Clydesdale breed, but again I could not read them due to the formatting, and then some activity pages and a vocabulary guide.
I am giving this a low rating for the ebook due to the formatting making it actually illegible in parts. In a physical board book format this would be an excellent book for children just beginning to learn to read.Rating: 2Quicklink to this review
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