
Free on 18th - 22nd Dec 15
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We do care about you also. As you can not download the pages from your Kindle device, we put a link to a printable PDF version at the end of the book.

Make sure you print the PDFfile on large 8.5×11 high-quality paper, to have the best coloring experience possible.

We created this book to pay homage to the 130 people killed in the Paris terrorist attacks on November 13. Our goal is to honor the lovely city we live in, the people that live there, and the people that died or got hurt.

We want to share deep and profound messages of hope, peace, love, strength and faith through this beautiful, relaxing and inspiring coloring books.

Why? Because we believe people who color are always good human beings, and good human beings make this world a better place. Hence, sharing them messages is a step forward to a better world.

If you have never colored, you will find out why this activity has become so popular over the years. It will release your stress, free your imagination, destroy anxiety and depression, and overall it will make you feel better and happier.


Free on 18th - 22nd Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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