
Free on 19th - 22nd Apr 15
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(find most of them throughout the book!)

Well, there is no easier or better way to say that.

Forget who you are now as the book will inundate with you reason after reason, and step after step, on how to break free from your old self – because you deserve it!

You deserve to know how much BETTER you can get and how BOLDER you can be through the Big A – AFFIRMATIONS.

You only live once.

And now that you have this chance to change for the better and for good, there is no reason for you now to grab it.

This book does not come with magic dust that could change you or your life instantly.

It is far better than that, far more powerful than that, because this book will enable you to make full use of a tool that is extremely accessible – YOU.

Find out how AFFIRMATIONS improve your overall health

This is not just about your physical health – but your mental and social health as well. If you have been battling with these issues for years, then don’t you think it is high time to finally resolve them?

This book will provide you the key that will free you from those emotional baggage and aid you in turning a new leaf.

Discover the link between AFFIRMATIONS and money

Well, improving yourself does not necessarily mean you need to focus on feelings alone. Overall improvement of oneself also acknowledges the need for financial security.

If you think this is all the book offers, then you need to see these:

You will grasp the true meaning of POSITIVISM

You will find more appreciation for making and rebuilding relationships

You will see why people fail repetitively despite exerting insurmountable efforts and making seemingly countless attempts

You will know why your past relationships did not work

You will learn how to get attuned to your environment and become more sensitive to changes

You will also see the scientific methodology used in self-realization

You will know how to deal with anxiety and stress more effectively

You will see how empowering it is to use AFFIRMATIONS in every facet of your life

and Much, much more!

Download your copy today!

Available on PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

© 2014 All Rights Reserved

Tags: affirmations, meditation, affirmations to change your life, affirmations for women, affirmations for money, mental toughness, mental toughness training, mental toughness training for sports, mental toughness for women leaders, mental toughness for success, mental toughness training for sports, meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation techniques, anxiety, anxiety self help, anxiety management, anxiety relief, anxiety symptoms, anxiety teens, anxiety in teens, anxiety management, anxiety cure, anxiety in children, anxiety journal, anxiety free, anxiety disorder, anxiety book, anxiety workbook, anxiety depression, anxiety kids, mental health, health, healthy lifestyle, mental toughness,

Free on 19th - 22nd Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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