We live in a time where everything is possible. The barriers of limitation have been removed by technological advancement and the knowledge of the awareness of the powers inherent in the human mind. Impossibility only exists in the mind of the man/woman who due to ignorance decline to acknowledge the changing times and the creative power of soul within each of us.
You can be anything and can achieve anything you want in life, since whatever you need to that already exist. You do not need to search north, south, east, and west, the resources you need are everywhere. In fact, you are sitting on a multibillion dollar idea this moment. However, you have to let go of everything you think you know- the limiting believes, the fears, your theories of the possible and the impossible. You have to unlearn all these and let go of old paradigm, to be able to see the opportunities and abundance lying underneath your feet.
Records that seem impossible to break are being broken; Apps that could do wonderful things are being programmed, technological innovations are being devised to solve the most difficult health or business problems, and outer space is being conquered with the possibility of humans making a second home on Mars by 2030. Only recently, scientist at the European Space Agency ESA, made history and did the impossible, when they landed the Rosetta on Comet, a feat never before attempted.
In sport, the soccer world witnessed record breaking episode. The European Champions league highest goal scoring record held by Raul Gonzales was shattered and surpassed by Lionel Messi, the Barcelona ace footballer. Prior to this time, football experts posit that it would take 60 years before anyone can equal Raul goals haul of 71 goals. But Lionel Messi and Christiano Ronaldo came along putting a dent on the beliefs of the experts. In many other fields of human endeavors, be it in Medicine, Business, Sports and the Internet, people are doing the impossible and causing disruption, because we are in the age of possibilities, an age that favors the bold and courageous. Yet, if you look around, what you will find are people living in misery and squalor. Why is it so, when technology, the internet, religion and psychology have caused walls to crumble and boundaries dismantled? Ignorance and the unwillingness to take in new information as well as the inability to accept what is outside our context, is the reason why majority of people live in misery and wallowing in mediocrity.
To succeed in life and do the impossible, thereby living the awesome and extraordinary life, you must be willing to make the transition. It begins with your ability to envision the life you want and taking charge of the opportunities around you. Identifying your purpose in life can give your life a meaning and direction. Once you have a purpose to die for, you will be willing to spend hours to develop the skills and passions that will enable you do the impossible.
The difference between a great man and the one who live a life of mediocrity is their attitude. Indeed attitude is everything; it can take you very far in life and can also stop your progress. Attitude is a two edged sword which can leads you to greatness or destroy you.
The book ‘’Age of Possibilities: How to live the awesome and extraordinary life in this age’’ will open you to the possibilities in this times, and the means to be your best as you take on your doubts and weaknesses by reading the stories of ordinary people who became extraordinary by going out to practice in the theater of life.
I present this book to you with utmost gratitude, if you decide to read it. I hope you will find the ideas and suggestions worthy and valuable.
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