Agile Scrum Lean Kanban XP. Are you starting with your agile journey? Is your organisation in the middle of agile transformation? What does it mean to be agile? How do you know if your organisation is agile or not agile? How do you measure success of agile? Agile Done Right explains in detail, agility in today’s world. The core Lean principles and philosophy behind it. Milestones and pitfalls on the way. Provides practical advice on how to make your organisation agile in the right way.
Investing: Invest Like A Pro: Stocks, ETFs, Options, Mutual Funds, Precious Metals and Bonds (Asset ...
Selling, Inspired!: A Mental Endurance Guide For Enduring Sales Performance
One Million Dollars Or Nothing: Not Just Another Book But A Systematic Guide To Navigating Life's Ul...
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