
Free on 30th Jan 16 - 3rd Feb 16
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All you need to know about Fish oil, omega-3s, fatty acids epa and dha. I have been an avid fan of omega-3 oils from the first I read about their potent effects on overall brain health. I decided to write this book, in order to inform everyone about the benefits and drawbacks, so that you can have the information in one centralized place. I have done a lot of research on this mysterious supplement, and I guarantee you that after reading this book, you will be 1 of 3 things, more informed, decide to take fish oil, or decide not take fish oil. Before taking any supplement, always consult your doctor, as I am not a trained physician. Also make sure that if you do decide to take a fish oil supplement, always read the labels, and if you don’t understand, either ask the manufacturer or your doctor.

There are a lot of fish oil products in the market. How do they benefit one’s health? What is omega-3? What are DHA and EPA? In a nutshell, fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. It offers loads of benefit, not just in physical health but mental health as well. This book aims to explain everything you need to know about fish oil, why you should use it and how. I am also including a bonus chapter on some recipes to get natural fish oil from dishes.

Free on 30th Jan 16 - 3rd Feb 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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