
Free on 10th - 11th Aug 13
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Pages: 231

In this dessert recipe book, Chef Lisa Joy Taylor takes you and your taste buds on a mouthwatering dessert tour of the United States!

In this dessert recipe collection, each of the 50 states features two recipes that are representative of that state for one reason or another (100 recipes) including a great variety of cakes, pies, tarts, cookies, bars, sorbet, ice cream and more!

In addition to ingredients lists and cooking instructions for each recipe, you will also discover an interesting tidbit about the history of the recipe or its’ main ingredient and sometimes both! Here are a couple examples:

Missouri Black Walnut-Caramel Tart

Producing nearly 50 percent of the world’s Black Walnuts, Missouri is the world’s largest black walnut producer. Black walnuts have a stronger flavor than English walnuts and have thus become a popular ingredient in Missouri’s baked goods.

Maryland Smith Island Cake

With ten layers of cake and ten layers of rich frosting, Smith Island Cake is not only the state dessert of Maryland but an irresistible, mouthwatering confection that harkens back to the English torte, from which it is believed to have originated. Smith Island Cake is usually iced with chocolate frosting but variations made with banana, orange and coconut frosting have become popular.

Here are some more examples of the interesting and taste-tempting dessert recipes you will discover in this book:

Tennessee Blackberry Jam Cake

Idaho Sweet Potato Sorbet

Montana Mocha Crumb Cake

Louisiana King Cake

Rhode Island Butterscotch Tart

A few state classics like Florida Key Lime pie, New York Cheesecake, and Georgia Peach Cobbler are also included but you’ll also find many yummy recipes in here that will be new to you and that you have yet to taste!

Please note that this is the 2nd. edition of the book and contains updated information. The were also a number of typos in the first edition which have been corrected!

Join Lisa Joy Taylor on a dessert adventure and learn a little more about America while you savor the many interesting and fun desserts in this dessert recipe book. Enjoy!

Free on 10th - 11th Aug 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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