An adventure story about Anna the virus.
Your children will learn about viruses and bacteria in this wonderful story. It is an incredible story of tiny Anna the virus and her teammates lead by Captain Roger inside George’s body. This book will help your kids discover and learn about an extremely important thing in our lives – Viruses. Readers of all ages will enjoy this adventurous story about bacteria and viruses in the body.
“Anna was shaped like a star or a sun with a lot of rays. She really was quite pretty, at least she thought so. She was almost round and had 45 little spokes or limbs that reached out in all directions. Anna could see George, but he couldn’t see her. It was just like she was invisible. Of course, Anna and her friends were not truly invisible; they were just very small.
George stood at the top of the stairs. He looked out on the playground, and suddenly his nose itched. He wiped his nose with his hand. Anna and thousands of viruses jumped off from George’s hand and ran, or bounded as a round virus with spikes does, towards George’s nose. They ran in the huge nostril and past the nose hairs. Anna and her team were in…”
Now your kids can learn more about viruses and bacteria. What do bacteria and viruses look like, how do they get inside us? This book is an easy and interesting read for you and your children. Let your baby know more about how viruses work inside our bodies. Anna’s story inside George’s body will help your children stay healthy by watching for sources bacteria and virus closely around themselves. It will hopefully teach them to wash their hands much more often.
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