
Free on 3rd - 5th Aug 24
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This book contains remarkable accounts of explorer M.G. Hawking’s experiences in a legendary ancient world deep in the vast frozen fortress of the Himalayas, a small village where he encountered individuals possessed of true paranormal powers. Explore first-hand narratives of their demonstrations of psychokinetic and extrasensory abilities, and in-depth descriptions of the esoteric knowledge that enabled the attainment of such exceptional powers.

“Paranormal powers” refers to the utilization of consciousness in a manner enabling a person to influence a physical system without direct physical interaction, a capacity increasing recognized in the academic and scientific communities as part of the field of human ability. Although widely acknowledged in India, Nepal, Tibet and various Himalayan areas of Asia, paranormal abilities have in the Western World been largely disregarded by the general population. However, in the scientific community the perception is very different. For example, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research program, which operates under the aegis of Princeton University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, pursues an agenda of studying the interaction of human consciousness with sensitive physical devices, systems, and processes, and developing complementary theoretical models to enable a better understanding of the role of consciousness in the establishment of physical reality.

Results of the Princeton experimental studies, along with many similar research projects both private and governmental, here and abroad, have established paranormal abilities as operating at both the macroscopic level (using large-scale apparatus) and at the atomic level (using computerized random number generators). Although the test subjects in general do not believe that they can actually influence outcomes, and have no real idea of how to focus their consciousness to influence the outcomes, over thousands of experimental runs the results have been far beyond chance expectation, demonstrating that subjects can influence outcomes that deviate significantly from the statistical norm, often by a factor of several billion-to-one. For those familiar with quantum physics, these results come as no surprise.

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of the existence of consciousness. The mind is the matrix of all matter. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.” –Max Planck, Nobel Laureate

“The so-called miraculous powers of a great master are a natural accompaniment to his exact understanding of subtle laws that operate in the inner cosmos of consciousness.” –Yogananda (A.D. 1893-1952)

The knowledge presented in this book arises directly from the teachings of profoundly enlightened individuals. If studied with patience and fully integrated into your core belief system, these teachings can lay the foundation necessary to enable you to acquire abilities that most people would say are unbelievable or even impossible. Yet these abilities are not miracles. Quite the contrary. They do not require any capacities that are not inherent in the human species as a whole, if those capacities are properly recognized and developed.

As entertaining as it is enlightening, this is an incomparable book for anyone seeking greatly enlarged knowledge and personal power. 2024 Edition Exploratory Anthology, e-reader page count 296 (estimated, actual count varies depending on the reading device used). A Kindle Unlimited Book.

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Library-Cataloging-Data: true accounts, adventure memoir, paranormal abilities, esoteric knowledge, arcane traditions, psychokinesis, telekinesis, extrasensory perception, unexplained mysteries, controversial knowledge, Himalayan Masters, metaphysical, visualization, affirmation

Free on 3rd - 5th Aug 24
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