Pages: 40
A woman alone…a six year old boy….a cottage…a yard…a pine tree and an elf combine in a unforgettable touching relationship…that brought their lives together and gave him a story to charm his granddaughters for all time.
Based on a true story.
It’s a gentle story ideal for those quiet times…an afternoon reading or bedtime.
Ideal for a group story-time leading to a discussion of the experiences, thoughts and meanings portrayed.
In the elementary grades as a short (about 42 page) chapter book….It’s warm moments sure to please.
A thought provoking story enjoyed as well by nostalgic adults wanting to remember their childhood, a much quieter era of those simple pleasures.
This e-book had placed on Amazon’s “Top 100 Best Selling Paid Children’s e-books” reaching the #13 spot in the rankings, as well as being read in several foreign countries.