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Get Ready to Learn Android programming the FAST Way!

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Do you want to understand all things Android?

Are you interested in creating your own applications?

Do you believe that you can succeed in programming?

Would you like to improve your programming skills?

If you can say “yes” to even one of these questions, then Android Programming The Fast Way is the book for you.

In this book, you will learn several methods that will help you get started with Android Programming.

The Android operating system is a Linux-based operating system that was developed to be specifically applied to mobile phones and other devices that support Android. It was only in 2008 that it was introduced commercially. Since then, however, it has grown by leaps and bounds. Today, 70% of the smartphones are using Android. It is for that reason that this book has been written.

The more people use Android, the more heightened the need to develop applications for this operating system. This increase in popularity is the reason that this book is the only guide that you need to get you started.

In his book, you will discover various ways that you can get started with Android programming. There are details on the software that you need to have, allowing for you to prepare yourself accurately before you begin.

There are numerous benefits of learning about Android programming including the development of a new skill set which can be commercialized, and gaining knowledge that can help you customize your Android device.

This section is followed by a discussion on creating your own application, detailing the steps that need to be followed to create the app, and then to test it whether you have an Android device or not.

You will also learn about how you can create your first application, getting you started on the path of future Android programming. A precise and detailed step by step process ensures that as a beginner, you are not overwhelmed with the process.

To ensure that the knowledge you are getting remains with you, the components of an application are explained in detail. When programming, having an understanding of what your app will do, as a background process, its interface and all operational aspects is crucial. It makes it easier to manipulate the coding when necessary to get a result that will positively affect the user experience.

The book concludes by guiding you on how you can create an excellent user interface. You will find that most of your time programming will be spent on creating this interface, and therefore, some practical advice has been included.

This book will help dispel the myth that programming is difficult, and reserved for people with heightened technical knowledge. With the right tools and software, Android programming is something that can be perfected by anyone.

Android Programming The Fast Way is just what you need at the beginning of your journey learning how to program. If you are interested in programming and producing results that are worthwhile in short time, then Android Programming The Fast Way is the book for you.

***Limited Edition***

Download your copy today!

Free on 15th - 19th Jun 15
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