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Free on 15th - 19th Jun 14
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Animal Intelligence: First-person accounts of amazing animals and the people who love them

People who live with animals are typically amazed at how well their “dumb” animals understand them.

Though scientists have lauded dogs, dolphins, whales, primates, elephants, crows, and a few other creatures for their “human-like” intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and obvious depth of feeling, modern humans have, for the most part, refused to generalize consciousness to all of the animals with whom we share the planet.

In Animal Intelligence, however, people who have spent years of their lives with animals share the experiences that have taught them that animals are indeed conscious. They sense our feelings and intentions; they have feelings and intentions of their own; and have a right to live their lives with the respect and dignity that all beings deserve.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

Life among grizzlies: an interview with Charlie Russell, a man who has lived with these awesome giants on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula and in Canada for 50 years.


Dolphin intelligence: an interview with Toni Frohoff, a cetacean researcher who knows first-hand that the truth about dolphins and whales is even more amazing than the fictional accounts we’ve all heard.

Animal communicator, a first-person account from Petra Keese—who, while homesteading in British Columbia, realized she could “hear” and understand what her domestic animals and even the wild coyotes wanted to say to her.

A field of intelligence: What we can learn from animals presents renowned biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s explanation for the ability of animals to “psychically” communicate. He calls it “the morphic resonance field,” and says that, like gravity, it connects us all—but is stronger among those who know each other well, or who—like schools of fish or murmurations of birds—are attuned to it.

No more mindless goldfish is the result of Nathan Hill’s lifetime of studying and caring for fish, which has taught him that there’s no such thing as a “mindless goldfish.”

Chicken consciousness shares editor Leslee Goodman’s lesson in empathy and humility learned from…her chickens.

Plus, poetry and MOON Shine—inspirational quotes about animals—all here.

Here’s what others have said about these writings:

“How many species do we have to study to conclude that other species are self-aware, and that they have great capacity to experience emotions such as pain and pleasure? For how many species do we have to demonstrate sophisticated cognition and emotional capacity before we acknowledge them for who they are, not merely what they are, and treat them accordingly?” — Dr. Toni Frohoff

“Great interview! Brought me to tears in places. Some of the information about Pacific Northwest orcas made me think of the matriarchal elephant families. Without a doubt, the “awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings” would solve a lot of problems in this world. Thank you for working toward that goal.” — Sharon Engel

“I am so grateful for this article and to Charlie Russell for his courageous and passionate life. I have been waiting for this information. Thank you.” — Nora

“This world does not belong to us and if we do not find a way to coexist with other species here it will be our loss.” — Marc Severson

“I’ve spent most of my life surrounded by incredible beauty, enjoying wonderful relationships with wild animals most of us were taught to fear. We really need to get over our fear of the wild. It’s what sustains us; not what threatens us.” — Charlie Russell

Download ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE now for the introductory price of only $0.99!

Free on 15th - 19th Jun 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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