Pages: 23
Animals Anonymous – Our Actions Through Their Eyes.
Ami’s Story
Excerpt: “I lie on the floor wondering why? What did I do to deserve it this time? Why? When all I do is love him, does he repay me with bruises?”
Ami’s Story, the first in the series, is the tale of a young dog, brutally abused and beaten by her owner. Starved and left alone for hours on end when all she wants is his love.
Animals Anonymous
A highly anticipated series of short stories which tell heart-breaking tales of cruelty experienced through the eyes of animals. Relive their terrible suffering caused by the very humans who are responsible for their welfare.
These gripping short stories will take you on a journey through the harsh reality of animal abuse that is present every single day throughout the world, closer to home than many of us think. Fall in love with each of the characters as you experience a rollercoaster of emotions!
Each story is told through the animal’s perspective as they relive their most painful memories to help others recover in the support group “Animals Anonymous”.