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Take Your Healthy PALEO Cooking To The Next Level. Discover The Secrets Asian Kitchen

Is chinese food something you miss while dieting? How about Most of the other Asian food?

Do you crave The taste of the sauces that covers most of the food in a Chinese restaurant?

This book is rescue to widen your choices while Dieting. It offers you wide range of Paleo Asian Recipes that will make your healthy life much tasteful.

But Before we start with the diet recipes and advice, it is important to have some knowledge about the foundations of the diet – what it is based on and how it affects the human body. Gluten is a type of protein that can be found in foods like wheat, rye, barley, oats and triticale. It has been discovered that for some people gluten – either consumed with drinks or food – can cause unpleasant reactions to the human body. One of the most feared reactions is auto-immune and is called a coeliac disease. Along with it there are several other conditions such as gluten sensitivity, intolerance and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.

The coeliac disease is a kind of digestive disorder. When a person who is predisposed to it eats something that contains gluten, their body will have a negative reaction that will damage the small intestine. This results in abdominal pain, general discomfort and sometimes infections. It also impedes the body’s ability to process the nutrients in the food, which reduces the general function of the immune system. Nevertheless, only around 1% of the population has the disease. Even though it is a small number, it is crucial for their health to maintain a nutritious diet, while avoiding any type of gluten, as it can cause long-term damage to the body.

At this point you may be wondering – then why is the gluten free diet so popular? Well, it turns out that cutting on gluten foods can provide several health benefits to the human body. One of the most noticeable effects were things like:

• Fatigue

• Gastrointestinal distress

• Headaches

• Muscle pain

• Mood disorders

• Osteoporosis

• Weight gain


This book Consists of Simple Chapters

What is Paleo DietThe Benefits of Paleo DietImplementing Paleo Diet in your Life100 Asian Paleo RecipesMuch Much More !!

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Free on 19th - 23rd Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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