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Helping Autistic Adults-Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments For Adults With Autism

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a developmental disability, which affects 1 in 68 people in the United States. Men are four times more prone to develop ASD than women; however, studies have shown that women with autism are more severely affected. Signs and symptoms of autism usually occur within the first three years of a person’s life, but some parents fail to notice some of these indications and others may have chose to ignore the issue.

Autism affects a person’s social and communication skills. Because of this, some parents will often overlook these signs and symptoms and simply think of them as a sign of slow growth and development. Because of this, some people will grow up not knowing that they have the disorder. Such people may know themselves that they experience specific difficulties and will seek for an explanation for these.

It is our hope that after reading this book you have a better understanding about autism in adults. Whether you yourself, or someone you know is autistic, this book can benefit you. Being autistic is not a bad thing and should be celebrated as a unique difference. Autistic men and women, excel in many areas in their life. With some work, social interaction can be one of them.

This Book: Autism in Adults- Will Go Over the Issues Associated With Autism

Such As:

Impaired Social SkillsImpaired Verbal and Nonverbal CommunicationRepetitive BehaviorsMotor DysfunctionsSeizures and EpilepsyGastrointestinal DisordersSleep Problems AnxietySocial IsolationBipolar Disorder

While there is no specific treatment available that can help “cure” autism or its core symptoms, there are a number of options available that help individuals manage autism without the use of medications. The primary goal of treatment is to help these adults with autism cope and improve their ability to function in their day-to-day lives.

This Book Will Go Over Things Like:

Cognitive-Behavioral TherapySpeech and Occupational TherapyFinding a JobEmployment Training Programs That are Available for Adults With AutismMeeting New PeopleDating Advice For Autistic People

Adults with autism are often misunderstood by the people around them, especially when these people are not aware that they have this condition. People around adults with autism often find them rude even when these people are simply having a hard time interacting with others and expressing themselves. It is important to better understand this condition in order to help autistic adults adapt to society, and live a happy, healthy life.

Tags: autism, adults with autism, autism spectrum disorder, asd, autism treatments and therapies, autistic, what is autism, autism symptoms, learning disabilities

Free on 20th - 24th Sep 15
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