Addie Dalca dances on the line between what her life is and what it could be. Anchored by family expectations and those who pledge undying fealty to the Ballardvale lifestyle of booze-fueled nights followed by hangover filled days, Addie feels complacent with the familiar faces of Jessica Sukkel and Danny Boivin. The recent return of her childhood friends Sam and Kate Kern provide an attempt at retracing the plans laid out for her long before. Friendships intertwined in a messy web splinter and slowly break as the warring belief systems of those in their early twenties come to lure the five friends into separate offshoots, leaving Addie wishing she had a life plan as clear as those who surrounded her.
A Place in Time: A Ghost mystery (The Spirit of Peterborough Book 1)
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
Last Night at the Nowhere Cliff: A Short Story Collection (Shorts, Collected)
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