
Free on 23rd - 24th Nov 23
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Are you presently struggling with various signs and symptoms of depression? Do you want to learn about the various types of depression? Do you have a friend, a colleague, or a loved one who is exhibiting depression? Is it time to consider clinical depression as a diagnosis instead of regular sadness or daily blues?

Well, this accessible book offers all the answers and more to examine the causes of depression, types of depression, various treatment options, and how to distinguish depression merely from a bad mood.

Here’s what else you can expect to acquire after this lifechanging purchase:
9 signs that a bad mood may indicate depressionHow to distinguish general sadness and bad moods from depressionTake the simple 9-question depression assessment for better understandingRead compelling, real-life testimonies of people with depressionLearn what to do and what not to do if you or someone that you care about are depressedDiscover 10+ coping mechanisms to manage depressionUncover how to deal with automatic negative thoughtsFind out 5+ natural ways to fight depressionExamine the link between depression management and movementIdentify depression consequences and diseasesUnderstand how modern technologies and social networks affect our mood, sleep, mental health, relationships. Also increases the development of depression.Discuss the nuances of smartphone addiction.
Specifically, one ARC reader in Rhode Island strongly praised the informative book for “swiftly opening my eyes to the complex intricacies of depression and gave me quick, concrete, easy to implement strategies to combat depression in one accessible read!”

Click on the Buy Now button for Banishing the Blues: A Comprehensive Guide To Depression, The Various Types, Causes, Treatments, etc.It’ll quickly and effectively transform your life and mood from feeling down in the dumps to a mindful, healthy, and balanced heart that thumps. Also, discover all the dos and don’ts of dealing with someone who has depression in this thorough resource.

Free on 23rd - 24th Nov 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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