Author: Genre: () Length: Novella

Free on 3rd - 7th Dec 17
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Based on Lies: It Begins is the first in a series of two novellas. The series tells the story of a few emotionally and psychologically disturbed individuals whose lives are interwoven together.

In this book, we start uncovering stories from Anurag?s past.

An unassumingly personable young man in Calcutta, India, Anurag is a fairly rational individual who sometimes tends to get carried away by emotions; emotions, that he isn?t very good at expressing otherwise. He hasn?t been sleeping well, lately. And he has been writing a diary of his thoughts as he sits awake.

His thoughts revolve around his wife, Aditi, his former lover, Niharika, and a local café owner. They all have lives of their own, and they all have a life equation with one another. And they each hide secrets darker than the other. They have all been involved in several violent crimes where they are sometimes the victim, sometimes the criminal, and sometimes an accomplice. There are no innocent people.

At the end of this book, you may be left with some questions. If you are desperately searching for answers, don?t miss the finale that comes out in the summer of 2018, Based on Lies: Unhinged.

Free on 3rd - 7th Dec 17
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