Yoga is a form of exercise that unites breath, mind, body, and
spirit. The word and practice YOGA conjures up images of Eastern
philosophy and ancient practices. Modern day yoga practice has been
discovered in the Western world by many people who want to
strengthen their bodies in a new way. Yoga is not the fast pace
cardiovascular workout like running, dance class, or a sport like
tennis. Yoga is learning how to slow your thoughts way down, place
all your attention on the present moment, and create an oasis of
stillness in your movements. Striking a yoga pose builds strength in
every part of your body. It reconnects you to your higher spirit while
your body and mind learn to BE still.
The most important part is learning the yoga practice of breathing.
The automatic shallow breathing we do everyday is not the way. The
correct way is to inhale through your nose as you begin counting at an
even pace. One… two…three…four. Take in as much air into your
lungs as you possibly can and hold it for a brief moment. Your
abdomen or belly should expand as you are taking a big breath of air.
Let the flow of breath into your chest and belly. When you reach the
number four exhale just as slowly and evenly counting backwards.
Placing all attention on breathing gives your thoughts a way to
defuse so that you can concentrate on the task at hand-doing your
yoga practice. As thoughts come up, let them pass like cars on the
highway. As soon as you realize that your attention has wandered off
from your breathing, bring it back gently to this important work.
Teaching yourself to do this will move mountains in terms of your
ability to control where your attention goes throughout the day off of
your yoga mat as well.
The Spider Diaries: Part 1
Elara and the Fairy World: Adventures in the Enchanted Forest
Magical Bedtime Stories: 12 Jungle Fairy Tales for Kids 4-8
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