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The Asperger’s Syndrome Information Book

AS/AD: Identifying Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

It’s not easy to accept the challenges of having to live with a loved one who may have Asperger Syndrome (AS). AS involves a combination of mental, social, psychological, emotional, and physical limitations. As such, having this condition means adjusting your life for life. Most people, when confronted with AS ask, “Why she?” or, “Why he?” and, “Why me?”

Accepting AS begins by making an effort to know more about this condition. By getting the right information about AS, you are better able to deal with it objectively and are in a better position to help your loved one who has it.

This book guides you through the basic information you need to know about AS: when you should be concerned your child may have AS, what is the proper way to diagnose AS, and available treatments. This book goes a step further by taking you into the mind of a person who has AS, what it means for you to live with a loved one who has AS, and what the future may hold for you both.

AS is not a mental condition that can be dealt with easily—that’s the truth. However, if you truly love your loved one who has it, there’s no other way but to accept the challenges of AS.

In this book you’ll learn:

Common challenges by people with Asperger’s Syndrome

What is Asperger’s Syndrome (AS)

Common signs and symptoms of AS

The reality of AS and possibility of overcoming it

Causes and diagnosis of AS

Common challenges Aspies face

Activities in therapy programs to address AS challenges

What’s going on inside the mind of AS sufferer

And more

Download your copy today!

Free on 22nd Jun 17
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