A fascinating memoir of a mother helping her autistic son to overcome his challenges; a success story that covers the journey from infancy to adulthood, and illustrates how love, determination, and hard work can conquer all. Written to have broad audience appeal; simultaneously a valuable autism/special-needs resource for parents and professionals. The book is filled with inspiring, creative ideas, and includes reader resources such as thought-provoking discussion questions and an index of the therapeutic interventions/attitudes discussed throughout the text. Benjamin, the focal subject of the story, has become a rising star in the world of public speaking, has been featured on TV and in various news stories, and is making a real impact in the communities that invite him to speak. His story encourages listeners to overcome their own barriers as well as educating them to have a more compassionate viewpoint towards those who are “different.” Benjamin’s message reaches far beyond the bounds of autism, and so does this book, as is evidenced by the glowing praise provided by recognized names such as Rosalind Wiseman (NY Times bestselling author), Temple Grandin (world-famous autistic and author), Dr. Robert Melillo (bestselling author and co-founder of Brain Balance Centers), and others. Malva and Benjamin maintain a blog that continues the life-story begun in the book; it runs under the same title: Benjamin Breaking Barriers.
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