David likes to solve riddles. Life is the biggest riddle of all. How did people come into existence, how are they alive at all…and what is the point of him walking into the hospital for his first day as an intern for his long sought after job as a doctor, if he could die at any moment–just disappear. He does walk in, however, along with his questions and doubts, into the glorious Glendale Hospital–recently rumored to be experiencing a questionably higher than normal death rate. Unfortunately, the splendor of the first impression appearance of Glendale doesn’t rub off on David’s miserable one with Dr. Williams; the doctor he’s assigned as an intern for. Williams is complex, he’s revered by the fellow hospital patrons, and when David isn’t trying to unpuzzle him, he realizes he’s being taught important lessons. That he needs to love what he does or quit, is one of them. That one of the first files he’s handed, Lucy, isn’t just an assignment, she’s a patient. After being assigned to reveal horrific news about his new patient Lucy to her mother, who turns out to be a childhood friend, he walks solo towards her room, with thoughts of being infinite, yet fragile.
A Place in Time: A Ghost mystery (The Spirit of Peterborough Book 1)
The Paris Orphans: A heart-wrenching and moving WW2 historical fiction short story (The Paris Sister...
Sartoris and Subterfuges: Posthumous Poems
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