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Free on 20th - 21st Sep 14
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A spirit intrusion sets the author on a transformational journey from which there is no return. This is a true story of how Annabel Elizabeth Henley, who lived in the sixteenth century, reaches through time to relay a message of grave danger to her reincarnated lover. In so doing, Sheila is drawn into his circle of cultic mysticism. This journey leads to the realization of unbounded possibilities of the vast spiritual world and the conclusion that all of us are connected with spirit.

All beings, visions and scenes borne of spirit or related to regressions are reported precisely as they occurred. Although the remainder of the characters are based in reality, names, settings, descriptive detail, and circumstances have been modified; thus, any resemblance to living persons is purely coincidental.


It was with considerable reluctance that this book was written. I didn’t set out to put an idea on paper. Annabel’s story came easily, as though through me rather than from me, and she insisted it be told. The rest of the writing was more laborious. Without support from friends and encouragement from editors, the task may not have been completed.


Sheila Carnegie is a retired educator and human resources consultant, who seeks the best in others. Her love of the natural world, and sense of humour are integral to her being, and she enjoys textile art, travel, photography, international cuisine and music. She has written and published a short story and several professional reports and articles. She currently resides in the Gulf Islands of British Columbia, Canada, and in the Andes in Ecuador.

In her first book, Beyond the Veil: A Personal Story of Spiritual Connection, Sheila Carnegie has captured a series of life-changing spiritual experiences in an intriguing way. Although this is a true account, it reads like a well-written, thought-provoking novel. With twists and turns in the plot, intriguing locations, and unusual characters that capture your attention, it will keep you engaged to the very last page. Beyond the Veil made for a great Sunday afternoon read.

Janice Limb Myers, Best-Selling Author

Free on 20th - 21st Sep 14
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