This book is meant to inspire you.
Over the past 20 years the arena of business marketing has changed drastically, while at the same time remaining static for the majority of small businesses and how they market themselves.
We love all things entrepreneurial: cottage industries, independent authors, Mom & Pop stores – and decided to do something to help them succeed.
Of course many small business owners recognize that times have changed, but with the old ways proven to be successful in the past few have felt the need to move forward to embrace new and more efficient ways of getting their message out.
This is what this book is about – embracing change and the steps to do so.
The new methods of small business marketing don’t need to be costly, nor do they have to happen overnight. But in order to grow, the changes of the world need to be accepted and acted upon.
As such, we dedicate this book to our clients – those who have trusted us to bring them new audiences for their books, their services, their menus, their art and their dreams.
Change doesn’t have to be difficult. It just needs to be embraced.
The Corporate Kindergarten: Welcome to the world of Kidults!
Selling, Inspired!: A Mental Endurance Guide For Enduring Sales Performance
Wealth Wages and Witty Wisdom: Navigating an Ever-Changing Economy
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