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Start Loving Your Body and Live a Better, Healthier Life

When I was younger, eating disorders were already a thing; however, the only individuals it was ever talked about were celebrities. Things have changed now, though – it seems every one of all ages is having struggle with an eating disorder.

I have firsthand experience with this seem-to-be common phenomenon today. It’s hard enough to want to look good in the eyes of others and feel good about yourself, but add the scrutiny of a camera and the extra weight it adds to your frame and it’s certainly a path to disaster if you’re dealing with an eating disorder.

It began quickly; as I am certain it did for others. I was in high school when I started struggling with eating disorder – binging and purging to be specific. It wasn’t simply a means to manage my “baby fat,” it has become a coping mechanism. I was aware of this disorder and thought I had it all under control, so, I never told anyone about it. It has become an addiction that I learned to fall in love with and I just could not stop. No one knew about it. I’d have been undeniably embarrassed if anyone knew.

I did it to myself for years and no one found out, but you know what a worse part is? I did not lose weight. Neither did I feel better about myself in terms of appearance or emotion. In fact, I felt terrible.

I felt worse, which brought me further into the condition and I thought I wasn’t ever going to regain my life back. In the eyes of people around me, I was just a normal, cheerful person, but within me, I was a self-loathing, drowning person.

One day, I found myself naked looking in the mirror. I felt revolted and horrified at who I become. Rather than going to the bathroom and throw up to my heart’s content, I went online, signed up for a gym membership and drove to the groceries to buy healthy food. In two months’ time, I felt better – normal. I had finally gained control, you know, the healthy kind. This is the kind of control everyone should seek out in their life.

Today, I’m free from bulimia.

There’s no fixed way to get through an eating disorder, every person has his or her own way to go. I almost gave up and thought I would never see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel of hell that I was in.

This book is to let everybody know that there is hope. If I can do it, then you can too. Support and understanding is the first thing everyone with eating disorder – or any mental disorder for that matter – needs to get through this serious illness.

This book is for the friends, the families, and everyone who suffer from an eating disorder. Here, I will share methods that will guide you to recover from this serious condition, the ones that worked for me.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Understanding Eating Disorder Types of Eating DisorderHow Do They DevelopEarly Warning Signs to Look ForWho Are Prone to Eating DisorderThree Simple Steps to Recover from Eating DisorderGet Your Life Back For GoodMuch, Much More!

Take action now and get this Kindle book for only $2.99!

Tags: binge eating, bulimia, anorexia, eating disorder, bulimia self help, bulimia recovery, bulimia memoir

Free on 12th - 16th Jan 18
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