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Free on 30th Nov 17 - 4th Dec 17
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Download This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!

The way we spend and used money keeps on evolving, few years ago it was just trade that we get to exchange products that we need. Then gold became a high form of valuation, and money took over.

Now, we just experienced the biggest happening in the way we used money. Digital currencies aren’t new, but with the discovery of Bitcoin, it felt like there is a whole new worlld just waiting to be discovered.

People who started investing early got a big piece of the pie. But don’t let that stop you!

With this book, I will guide you in the general information and basics of how you can start investing in bitcoin too.

It is intimidating at first, especially when you hear terms that you haven’t heard before: asics, armory, block, ryzen, scrypt, radeon, eos, nano… and many more.

Aren’t those alienated words? That was my first impression too. And I have to be honest, the new terms do not stop from multiplying. No worries though, I GOT YOU.

By understanding Bitcoin, you will no longer be limited to the old fiat currencies that we used. No longer will the bank can control the way we spend money. Now, you have the option to use online coin and crypto. Your money will be monitored in a ledger rather than the government. And data and transaction are decentralized and publicly available. You can sell your btc or eth when you know the market is volatile, or you can  and hold on to your cryptocurrencies and sell out when the price is high.

Safest bonds aren’t really safe, in the world of crypto, nothing is. Always watch your stock and shares, and be sure to check the forecast and algorithmic fork.

According to Andreas Antonopoulos, “To banks, #Bitcoin is a lemonade stand trying to take on Walmart. Under their mockery, a $100 billion industry grew”

So if you are still on the edge of trying, read as much as info as you can, and think about the possibility of investing. People on reddit also suggest mining, you would need to know something about coding and you need to purchase certain equipments and tool like cpu, amd, motherboard, hardware, processor, asics, networks and converter.

Bitcoin is becoming famous. Everyone is curious but not all are ready to get in the game. So, if you don’t want to get left behind, GET THIS BOOK.

See What is Inside!

Defining Bitcoins

History of Bitcoins

Facts about Bitcoins

How does it Work?

Value of Bitcoin

Why is Bitcoin so Popular?    

Pros and Cons of Bitcoin

What are Bitcoins for?

Who Needs Bitcoins?

What’s the Future of Bitcoins?

Owning and Creating Bitcoins

Best hardware and software for Bitcoin mining

Buying Bitcoins

Keeping Bitcoins Safely

Selling Bitcoins

Bitcoin Differs from Other Cryptocurrencies

Alternatives to Bitcoins

The Dark Side of Bitcoin

Risks of Investing in Bitcoins

Free on 30th Nov 17 - 4th Dec 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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