A wonderful book in which we are taken on a journey from tragedy and despair, to adventure, growth and spiritual awakening. As we follow the author’s life, we are cleverly presented with a road map to inner peace and bliss.
The author, a Yogini and spiritual seeker, has spent several years in spiritual practice including a month spent in silence, where she became intricately aware of the workings of her ‘monkey mind’. She shares with us the realisations and insights gained from this and other profound experiences. These include her time spent training to be a yogi in India, under the auspices of her spiritual master, profound mystic, Sadhguru, as well as other pivotal moments and encounters in her life on her quest for bliss.
The story begins at 9 years of age, when her father was killed in car crash outside the family home. The accident left Vaneeta, her three brother and their 35 year old mother vulnerable, struggling and bereft. Their whole life had come crashing down, never to be the same again.
Convinced that there had to be more to it than the misery she was experiencing as life, the little girl’s long search for happiness began. Now 40,Vaneeta has equipped herself with an armoury of tools gained from curiosity, inquisition, adventure and sheer determination. In this book she shares with us these tools, which have led her to overcome the negative workings of the mind to live a truly, happy life.
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