Author: Genre: (, ) Length: Epic

Free on 7th - 11th Dec 13
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“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

William Shakespeare,

* * *

Nibiru – the winged planet and the Anunnaki of ancient Sumerian text has for decades been the talk of doomsayers around the globe; but is it just talk OR is there truth behind the secrecy and lies?

While BLOODED is a book of fiction – the research and basis behind it lays somewhere between fact and lore; and outwardly reinforces an inner belief, which thanks to a surge in technology is being confirmed on an almost daily basis, that behind every legend – is the seed of truth!

Vampires – from Nosferatu to Ann Rice’s Interview with the Vampire series, and more recently the Twilight saga has fascinated mankind; BUT what if they’re real. ‘What if’ all the lore is true; and ‘what if’ all the talk of Nibiru, and the Anunnaki being our creators and having set up earlier residence upon this earth – [all the way back to the savagery of the reptilian ‘bloodletting’ Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, and beyond] – isn’t just the stuff of conversation and Myth?

‘What if’ the Anunnaki ARE a race of seductive ‘blood-letting’ immortals – hell bent on possessing us to the point of our destruction?

‘What if’ they’ve always been here; and through our innocent naivety we’ve been caught up in the courtship and romance of immortal seduction to the point of being blind to their true nature? To the power of their will, and the games they play.

‘What if’ the arrival of Nibiru is the sounding trumpet of the Book of Revelation – the beginning of Armageddon – warning us of impending doom and that the fight to survive annihilation has begun?

Are you ready?

Beautiful – obviously! Immortal – YES! But as beautiful as they are, as irresistibly seductive as they are – they are just as surely DEADLY, and they mean to take us, control us, exploit us.

How do we stop them?

Will we want too?

OR will we willingly be led like lambs to the slaughter? With their ability to manipulate our thoughts – will we even care?

‘What if’ we really are – ‘the food of the gods’; playthings for the beings that live in the fringes and fabric of our dreams – the beings we call Vampires!

Free on 7th - 11th Dec 13
View on Amazon.co.uk


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