
Free on 12th Dec 16
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Tria is now a conquered planet.

At the legendary Battle of the Rock General Zeno tricked King Belisarius and destroyed his army. The much beloved king of Tria perished during the battle. Zeno, the invincible general with a talent for death, has never had a chance to enjoy the fruits of his victory. They were stolen from him by his best childhood friend Vigo, who landed on the unfortunate planet and proclaimed himself king of all Trias, when hearing of the death of the old monarch.

At Meteor Rock Zeno had decided to interrupt his intimate dance with Death. Sickened by the terrible slaying in the ranks of his enemies, he had made a vow to never kill again.

It was because of this vow that he was now forced to resign himself with an unfair situation.

Nowadays he spends his days in the Military Barracks, commiserating with his dead cat Mintzy, and wastes the nights away drinking amber rackee at the Espresso Bar.

After twenty years of ruthless colonization the people of the planet Tria are on the verge of revolt. Their erstwhile servants, the savages from the planet Primo, have become their masters.

But what chances do they have, when General Zeno’s host is stationed in the Tria capital, Losseidon, and the brutal psychopath General Pipo is the chief of the Inquisition, an institution so vile, so revolting and prevalent through its ubiquitous informers, so evil and fearsome, that the mere mention of its name brings unspeakable terror into the hearts and minds of every trio.

Nothing has changed in the past twenty years. But when Fanny, the daughter of Zeno’s greatest love, Cristina, returns to Tria, this fragile equilibrium seems ready to collapse. The searing hatred among the three men at the top the Primo regime becomes apparent. Men start fighting in the streets; Goddess Estrella makes a grand appearance and a strange BLUE FLOWER blossoms on Tria’s green fields.


Zeno: Invincible general with a talent for death and an un-quenching thirst for amber rackee.

Mintzy: General Zeno’s dead cat. She follows him everywhere and tries to protect him at any cost.

Vigo: The King of all Trias. Formerly Zeno’s closest childhood friend at the Primo Military Academy. He betrayed Zeno and stole his planet from under his very own eyes.

Pipo: A classmate and friend of both Zeno and Vigo at the Primo Military Academy. His importance has sky-rocketed since he became Chief of the Inquisition, Tria’s civilian police. Otherwise a very genial murderous psychopath, who secretly dreams of ruling over Tria one day and fervently wishes that both his childhood classmates drop dead sooner rather than later.

Goddess Estrella: Daughter of mighty Esvita. An unhappy Goddess who lost the faith of her people, after the terrible defeat at the Battle of Meteor Rock.

Fanny: A remarkably beautiful tria. She is the daughter of General Comenius and Cristina, and the goddaughter of General Zeno and Goddess Estrella. After having lived most of her life in College Town on Primo she suddenly decides to return to Tria. She might very well prove to be the great algebraic unknown, needed to resolve the complicated equation of Tria’s fate, or maybe not.

Kopi: A naïve and kind hearted Primo country boy from the inhospitable Extreme North, who goes to Tria to find work and who inadvertently finds true love, that elusive and mysterious supernatural force said to inhabit the center of the magical galaxy, but on the veridicality of which most scientists have more or less given up some time ago.

Leto: A Primo bureaucrat on the fast-track to great things.

Rita: A very competent and ingenious detective working for the Inquisition.

Blue Flower: A beautiful flower that blossoms at the beginning of spring.

Tria: A female from the planet

Free on 12th Dec 16
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