Riley Marshall, law enforcement agent, lives in a time of technological advancements and improving the world. His brother, Jack, sees a time when the world is puppeted by the rich and the rest are just along for the ride.
When NanoTech, a company owned by their uncle, develops and releases humanoid robots to replace workers in dangerous jobs, it sparks protests from the newly-unemployed. Worse, it catches the attention of radical elements of society who are looking for an excuse to tear down the system, whether or not it’s a good idea. The problems only get worse when the bots’ high energy demands necessitate a controversial nuclear powerplant.
While Riley works to persuade the public to accept the new innovations, Jack’s attempts to expose corruption cause him to come in conflict with the system and his family. Both work to make the other understand his point of view and heal the divide between them, and neither will stop until he succeeds — or until civilization crashes around them.