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Free on 9th - 13th Jun 17
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It’s safe to say that, regardless of one’s situation, everyone wants to be heard, including those forced to communicate nonverbally. Nonverbal communication, for the most part, is something we’ve become accustomed to with the advent of social media and other advanced technology. While sign language is one method of nonverbal communication, various others like observing body language and listening aid in how we communicate in this day and age.

The Secret Language: A Guide to What the Body is Saying & How to Read People’s Minds with Nonverbal Communication is a new e-book by Star James. It delves deep into nonverbal communication, from becoming a better listener to better understanding nonverbal autistic children.

To start, James touches on the brief history of sign language, followed by tips on how to communicate effectively while using the method. This then leads to the topic at hand, nonverbal communication, and its various methods. James unlocks secrets to reading a person’s body language — gestures, facial expressions, etc. — which speaks louder and can be more profound than actual spoken word.

If readers have been lied to or have suspected someone of lying, they will appreciate Five Effective Ways to Defeat A Liar Using Nonverbal Communication, an entire chapter devoted to reading body language & facial expressions, and even use body posture and authority to detect when someone’s lying and get the truth.

Listening is something that many struggle with. James breaks down how easy it is to let defensiveness get in the way of opening one’s ears and listening to other people. James advises how to be better listeners while putting aside the immense need to be heard.

Finally, James introduces readers to how nonverbal autistic children interact in the world around them, giving inspiration on how to efficiently communicate with them based on exhibited behaviors.

Parents, family members, and friends can greatly benefit from what they study in this text in regards to autistic children and the application of sign language. Readers curious of nonverbal communication can take away from what they read and apply these lessons to everyday life.

Free on 9th - 13th Jun 17
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