
Free on 13th - 17th Mar 18
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Bone broth…it may be “trending” right now but don’t be deceived…it’s thousands of years old! In fact, our ancestors never discarded the simmering stock of bones from animals like sheep, pigs, chicken or turkey. Long story short, it’s a modern superfood based on ancient nutrition and if you are not consuming it, you are missing out in a bunch of different health benefits!

Bone broth has been consistently shown to consist of ingredients that our bodies need in order to function properly. In fact, people who follow a diet that includes bone broth are statistically the only ones with a healthy body weight and a more radiant-looking skin!

The secret may have been buried for thousands of years but this book is going to lift the veil and reveal everything you need to know to reap all the astonishing benefits of bone broth!

Pick it up today and get ready for a leaner, stronger and healthier you!

Free on 13th - 17th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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