On a delightful afternoon, a young Dr. Kaya is successfully kidnapped by the strangest of entities, and after a bizarre experiment goes well, he is reborn as Bonnie ? a little boy with vivid features and a touch that can purify and heal all life. As a bonus, he is stripped of the memories he held ever-so-dearly during his humble life within the strange capital of Kingdom Nadiria, and he is granted the opportunity to nearly lose his life multiple times to the most devilish of creatures, run into characters as magical and amnesiac as him, and stumble upon beings that do not and should not belong in this realm. Bonnie’s Touch: Seek his hand, and ye shall find salvation.
True Experiences with a Sorceress of the 'Four Portals'
In The Forbidden Himalayas, Anthology of Discovery
Contact, Three True Encounters
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