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Free on 3rd - 7th May 14
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One of the greatest sales tools for self-published authors is the book description on the book details page at Amazon.As you enjoy reading this book, you will develop the skills needed to improve your book descriptions and surpass competitors in your niche. Here are just a few of the ways you will benefit:

You will learn how to write compelling sales copy for your book description. After all, the description is really advertising!

You will discover what to include in the description, but also those things that should be left out.

You will understand the differences between descriptions for fiction and nonfiction books. This will enable you to maximize the impact of your sales pitch in the blurb.

You will explore ways to structure your description so that the potential buyer is led to a decision to buy NOW — not later!

You will learn how to use simple HTML coding to make key elements of the description stand out.

The bestselling books are often not the best-written ones. The difference is found in the sales factors like the cover design, title, keywords, and book description.

Free on 3rd - 7th May 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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