
Free on 3rd - 4th Sep 17
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The GIFT is waiting for you at the end of this book :)


By Ruby Fowleron August 26, 2017___
Wow. this kids book is a brilliantly executed train wreck from beginning to end.
If somebody is starting to read from this author for the first time,
the first book they read of this author will always be their favorite.
I have found that to be the case with many people.It was such a new approach to
writing that I had never seen before.This is a great book that I’d recommend for
any elementary classroom. It’s great for parents and teachers.

By Stevieon August 25, 2017___
This book has been my child’s favourite one. I read it to her every night before going to bed.
She loves it and her smile makes me happy. This book is a gift for anybody who loves to hear
about the adventures from outer space and an invisible cute monster. The book starts with a tale
about the monster from space and then continues. But there is always twists in every story so in
this as well. Loved to have read it. Seeing further for more such story books.

By Innaon August 24, 2017___
”My Invisible Monster: a space flight” is a story which will appeal to all children and adults.
My little brother very much liked the bright illustrations in the book. Now every night he asks
me to read a story about a boy and his travels.

Little Billy is about to sleep but his desire to take off into space is just endless. He jumps into his handmade spacesuit. It seems he is completely ready now to jump up and take off into space from his bedroom. He takes a few careful steps as if he is stepping into the space and find himself on a green planet.


He needs a partner to explore space but he has no friend to do it with. He starts to call through his space radio someone who can join him. Suddenly a naughty, friendly and fuzzy monster appears.

Two of them are so excited! Playing and having some fun together they decide to explore the Moon and discover the secrets of space together.

”My Invisible Monster: a space flight” is a magic story which will give an opportunity to travel in space with Billy and the Monster, discover new things and be a part of an amazing and educative space journey. This story is full of very funny, sweet scenes which will make children to laugh and enjoy the adventures of the lovely and naughty characters. The explorations will develop the imagination of children and create deep interest in exploring new things.

You and your children are going to love this book.

Go buy this now

Simply scroll up to the top the page, and click on the yellow “buy now” button

Tags:juvenile fiction,short stories,space shorts,graphic shorts,
flight graphic novel,comics and graphic novels,
monster graphic novel,my story,fiction short stories,
fiction novels,edition,his story,comic novels,graphic novels,
monster fiction,invisible monsters,space flight,magic novel,
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bedtime story monster,book for kids 9-12
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boys books for ages 6-8,funny books for kids,humor books

Free on 3rd - 4th Sep 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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