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Born Again in a Biker Bar depicts the story of a raging codependent and her alcoholic husband. It is centered in famous Johnny’s Bar & Grill in Hollister, California. Johnny’s is the bar depicted in the 1953 movie The Wild One featuring Marlon Brando. When Charisse purchased Johnny’s in January of 1996, she had no idea of its fame or place in history. She did however know that her husband was an alcoholic. Within a few months of the purchase, Tommy quit his well-paying job and took his drinking to a whole new level. The deterioration of his health and their marriage was the result. On the brink of divorce, Charisse found herself at an Al-Anon meeting. Standing in a room surrounded by her peers she said the life changing words, “Hello, my name is Charisse and I’m a codependent.” Embracing the Christian roots that she had all but abandoned she went on an odyssey of self-examination. Her acceptance of the part she played in her dysfunctional life led to her recovery, and eventually to her husbands. Charisse and her husband have been together for more than twenty six years and Tommy just celebrated ten years of sobriety.

Born Again in a Biker received the Bronze Medal in the 2015 Living Now Books Awards in the Inspirational Memoir category. Living Now recognizes the year’s best books for better living. If you are in a codependent relationship, help and healing is available in the pages of this book.

Free on 9th Dec 15
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