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Follow These Step by Step Methods To Live a Healthy, Happier Life By Eliminating Old Habits and Forming New Ones

Habits are powerful and can affect virtually every aspect of your life. Most of the things you achieve and fail to achieve in life have been attributed to the far-reaching effects of the set of habits you have consciously or unconsciously cultivated. The fact remains that every habit produces effects of its kind, which explains the emphasis on why you should get rid of bad habits and build success habits instead.

The list of bad habits that could be hurting your life in more ways than you know are endless, and their processes of formation are automatic and can be formed without your notice. Whether your bad habits are harmful or simply irritating, eliminating them is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.
However, doing away with bad habits isn’t something that happens without some level of concentrated efforts, but given the right attention and using the appropriate techniques like the ones contained in this book, you can break loose from every bad habit and cultivate new ones in their place.

In this book, you will learn how bad habits negatively affect your life. You will also learn how habits are formed and what makes them hard to break. This book will also explain the different steps you can take to eliminate bad habits from your life as well as tips that will make the journey to a free you much easier.

What To Expect Inside…

Explanation of Bad HabitsBad Habits and Their Negative EffectsFormation of Habits8 Simple Steps to Break Addictive HabitsMore Steps to Help You Break Your Bad Habits And More
Scroll Up And Download Your Copy Today For a Small Price of Only $0.99

Free on 11th - 15th Dec 17
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