
Free on 16th - 20th Jul 17
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Losing weight doesn’t have to be an excruciating experience. It is a process that can be simplified to suit your body and lifestyle. If you don’t believe it’s possible, then you should read this book.

You’ll surely believe!
A common notion or more aptly misconception is that to lose weight you have to starve yourself or pump irons for hours in a gym. No! These aren’t the only options.

There is a simpler and easier way that matches your lifestyle, allows you to eat sufficiently, exercise at a time convenient to you, and without burning yourself out. 
Another popular and yet highly dangerous notion for reducing weight is relying on some kind of a “Magic Pill” that helps “lose weight within two weeks”. Do you really think it’s possible just to consume a pill and lose weight in 14 days? If not, then this book is for you.
This book guides you how you can find the right balance between your diet and exercise. It also helps you to determine and follow a workout schedule that is built around your daily routine so that you won’t feel any disruption as well as use your time optimally.
If you are looking for a serious, secure, sustained, and long lasting solution for reducing weight and getting your body in the right shape, all you have to do is to read this book and follow it in the right spirit. 

Free on 16th - 20th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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