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Buddhism: A Path to Enlightenment – Learn the basics of Buddhism

Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

Buddhism: A Path to Enlightenment guides you down the

Noble Eightfold Path towards inner peace and happiness.

Through exploring the foundations of Buddhism, you will inherit

the truths and wisdom from the testimonies of The Buddha.

The doctrines divulged in this book aid mindfulness and help

you develop focus. Meditation techniques and postures are

carefully laid out, helping those both new and old to the customs

and traditions of Buddhism.

Buddhism is not a mind-set that is embodied selectively, but

rather a way of life
, a way of acting and thinking that affects every

moment of perception. By adopting a state of being that values

truth above all, one quickly and effortlessly traverses The Way to

enlightenment. Contemplation leads to a true vision of the reality

that we embrace. Buddhism helps awaken one to the truths of our

reality, so that the bliss of the unity of our existence can be experienced

in full. One cannot ignore the simple truths of life and hope to live

happily. Ignorance, aversion and attachment are at the root of

suffering. The teachings and practices of Buddhism sever the ties of

suffering, granting you freedom, insight and the ability to live life to

the fullest.

What you can expect to find inside…

What is Buddhism, and who was Buddha?

The Four Noble Truths

The Five Precepts and The Ten Precepts

Karma & Rebirth

Meditation & Mindfulness

How to Start Practicing Buddhism

Learn the life, testimony and wisdom handed down through centuries

from this concise, compressive guide, and you will soon realize your

infinite potential hidden within. Release yourself from the troubles

and stress plaguing your home and work life by adopting a kind,

truthful and contemplative pattern of thought and action. The truths

that one encounters along the path to enlightenment are visions of

purity that can only be realized to be experienced. This book gives

you the knowledge and insight needed to awaken to a reality of peace,

happiness and abundance.

Tags: Buddhism, Buddha, Eightfold Path, Noble Truths, Enlightenment, Meditation, Mindfulness, Postures, Practice, Prayer, Religion, Happiness, Stress, Relaxation, Awaken, Karma, Rebirth, Life after Death, Suffering, Freedom, Beginners

Free on 1st - 5th Dec 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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