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BUDDHISM: A Beginner’s Guide, How To Live A Happy, Healthy And Meaningful Life NOW !


Buddhism: A Beginner’s Guide is a thorough yet highly readable introduction to the practices and theories of Buddhism. There is a wealth of information, but it is breaks down the concepts of Buddhism that beginners often find confusing so that readers can understand the principles and adapt to them to embark on their own spiritual journeys.

The book deconstructs common Buddhist teachings, including the Eight-fold Path, rebirth, and karma. It also explains how to effectively meditate, which is something that beginners often struggle with. It tells the story of the Buddha’s life in a way that readers can relate to, and describes the history of common Buddhists symbols so that beginners can familiarize themselves with the objects and images they may encounter throughout their practice.

Buddhism: A Beginner’s Guide gives you all of the information you need to begin your spiritual journey, and provides a compelling argument for why you should consider implementing Buddhist practices into your life.

Download your copy today!


Tags: Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Zen Buddhism, Buddhist Books, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Zen Buddhism, Buddhist Books, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Zen Buddhism, Buddhist Books, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Zen Buddhism, Buddhist Books, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Zen Buddhism, Buddhist Books, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhism, Buddhism for Beginners, Zen Buddhism, Buddhist Books, Buddhist Meditation, Buddhist Philosophy,

Free on 25th - 29th Jan 15
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