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Buddhism For Beginners – Discover how to Relieve Stress, Find Inner Peace and Happiness

Buddhism Is Easier Than You Think!

Are you ready for a new experience? Would you like to learn how the benefits of Buddhism can help you in your life?

If you have heard of Buddhism, and most likely you probably have. Maybe you have formed a vague idea of what it represents in your mind. Maybe you are seeking to improve your life, search for inner peace? or find happiness?

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to ‘awaken’ (enlighten) your mind and soul with the help of the 2,500-year-old Buddhist religion. Learning about the practices and teachings of Buddhism is beneficial in countless facets of life, not least of which is finding contentment and peace – something so many of us feel lacking in our day-to-day existences. Although the modern world contains many wonderful things, it has also succeeded in making most of us thoroughly miserable.

We yearn for something simpler; something innate; something that brings us peace with ourselves, and with everything and everyone around us. If this is true of you, and, if you’re looking at this book, I assume it is, then it’s time to get back to basics: to teachings that have not altered in two and a half millennia, because, when you get right down to it, we haven’t changed in all that time, either.

Our hearts still search for peace, joy and love. As you’ll learn in this book, Buddhism is far more than a just a religion or a philosophy. It is a way of life. It can help us lead more compassionate, ethical existences. It encourages us to be present, and to be mindful of not just our actions, but also our thoughts. And it enables us to develop a greater understanding of the way the world works.

So download your copy of this book, to discover how Buddhism can bring true peace and happiness to you!

Here Is A Preview Of Buddhism For Beginners:

What is Buddhism!

Who is Buddha

What Are The Three Founding Parts of Buddhism

What Purpose do The Three Jewels Serve

What is Karma?

The Buddha’s Path to Happiness

What Is The Middle Path?

Using The Teachings Of Buddhism In Your Life

Steps to Wisdom, Virtue and Mind Mastery

Ways To Use And Achieve Mindfulness

How Mindfulness Can Bring Happiness and Peace

How To Meditate and Relieve Stress

Much, much more!

Download Your Copy Right Now!

Free on 17th - 20th May 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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