
Free on 18th - 22nd Nov 17
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If you want to attain consistent fulfillment and happiness by learning to live in the ‘here and now,’ then this book is for you!

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Buddhism is not just a religion, but it’s more of a philosophy and way of life. While Buddhism doesn’t deny that there are external factors that cause us to be unhappy (such as sickness, injury, or hunger), it insists that the primary cause of our unhappiness is an undisciplined mind. If that seems strange, then consider how it is that you can sometimes feel down even when nothing’s wrong. If you are like most people, there is likely little continuity to your happiness; it seems to come and go without consistency. But with a calm and disciplined mind, we can actually learn not to be ruffled by the world’s changing conditions. Our happiness would simply come from within, and it would be unshakable. This is because happiness is actually our default state, or our birthright, if you will. This book is designed to provide you with simple yet effective Buddhist meditation techniques that you can use to discipline the mind, rid it of mental clutter, and silence its internal chatter, so that you no longer have to depend on external factors to be content and achieve lasting happiness and nirvana in each and every moment.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Understanding Buddhist MeditationHow to Breathe CorrectlyHow to Sit CorrectlyChoosing the Proper SeatChoosing the Proper Time and PlaceAnapana SatiVipassanaMetta BhavanaMuch, much more!Download your copy today!

Free on 18th - 22nd Nov 17
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