Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 17
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Calisthenics is associated with bodyweight strength training and gymnastic tricks on an overhand bar and parallel bars.
However, I believe that Calisthenics is something much wider than that. It is closer to the physical development term. Besides the strength, you should develop your endurance, your coordination, your dexterity, your balance.
Also, bodyweight exercise is an umbrella term for some disciplines that use gravity and inertia of body as a primary form of resistance. For instance, yoga and gymnastics are well known and very popular disciplines. Parkour is another example that has increased in popularity of late. Some experts consider cardiovascular exercise like running to be forms of bodyweight exercise too.
You are the person who defines the goals and builds your own system of training. Changing with time your aims and priorities is a quite natural way of your physical development. You also could choose a set of skills which is a key factor in your favorite sport and work on it.
Don’t afraid to try something new and define what works for you. The dogmatic approach doesn’t work well in long term perspective. The best training plan is the one you are going to follow up.
The more you train in new ways and angles, the easier it becomes to gain new skills. On the other hand, you need some time and efforts to progress in one particular direction. The balance between your goals and your time plus efforts is a key factor here. You should remember that.

Free on 22nd - 26th Apr 17
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