
Free on 3rd - 4th Nov 14
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Why is cancer so complicated? The truth is that cancer isn’t complicated, it is merely complex. You don’t have to have a medical degree to understand the basics. You can understand the key factors that cause cancer and once you understand them, you will know what you can do to avoid them and what you can do to eliminate them.

There are 8 key lifestyle areas that cause cancer and these key areas also play a vital role in treating or preventing the disease. You may be affected by one or more of these areas and that is why cancer seems so complicated. The truth is that cancer is an individual disease and what caused your cancer is not necessarily the same as someone else. Knowing the basic keys will give you the tools you need to succeed in beating the disease. Knowing what factors affect you holds the key to your ability to survive and thrive.

Cancer Decoded is a basic guide designed to help anyone to understand the underlying causes of cancer and what steps you can take to minimize or remove those underlying causes. This book is based on solid, sound scientific research with over 350 studies included to help you sort science from science fiction.

When you understand the research, the causes, the symptoms and the steps you can take to minimize these, you hold the keys to a cancer free life. The book includes a simple guide to creating your own individual cancer plan. Start today. Become a survivor.

Free on 3rd - 4th Nov 14
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